The Latest News
Harrogate at 7.00pm
Our next Zoom meeting will be on
Friday 9th August
will be presenting short displays on
History or Geography
Contact harrogateps@gmail.com to be sent the link.
All welcome.
To advertise your Zoom session please give similar details of the date, the time, the title and the email to be used to obtain the link.
Send them to ypawebmaster@gmail.com
Zoom Meeting for Wakefield PS
Doors open at 6.45pm
To obtain the link email: j.g.winters@hotmail.co.uk
Future meetings are:
29th July, Add Half Scottish Wheel Tax
From Abroad, Mike Kentzer FRPSL
Change of Venue
In future York PS will be meeting at
The Community Room
Tesco Supermarket
Askham Bar
York YO24 1LW
Full details and maps can be found on York Philatelic Society Website on both the ‘Welcome’ page and ‘Finding Us’ page.