Please copy or take a screenshot of this form
A separate form should be completed for each entry.
Please complete the form in block letters
Name of entrant ………………………………………….. Society ……………………………...
Address ………………………………………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………………………………Tel: …………………………….
Title of entry ………………………………………………………………………………………….
Class …………………………………………………………… 16 sheet/8 sheet*
* delete as necessary
I agree to accept the rules of the YPA as binding on my entry.
Special arrangements for the 2024 competitions – please read carefully
Competitions are being judged in another area. Please submit your entry in the form of scans or colour photocopies (in page protectors) so that these can be posted to the judges.
Please have your entry authenticated by your Society President, Secretary or other official in the space provided below.
Hand in arrangements: In person at the Yorkshire Postal History Society AGM on Saturday 25th May at Batley or by post to: Competition Secretary, 46, New Village Rd., COTTINGHAM, HU16 4NA to arrive by June 15th at the latest. If you are sending by post, please ensure that you attach the correct postage! Last year an entry was delayed and had to be collected from a local depot because it was under-franked.
Please sign below in acceptance of these conditions
Signed …………………………………………………….. Date ………………………………
Authentication of entry
I certify that the original philatelic material scanned/photocopied in this entry is the property of the entrant named above.
Signed ............................................................................
Position ...........................................................................